The Game of Life (initial rules and study done by John
Conway) implementation linked to below uses JavaScript and
HTML to create the display for each generation of a given seed.
To see what the Game of Life is all about read the associated exercise (even if you do not follow its
directions) and check out the resources
listed below.
Note Before Accessing The Fractal
Generator Below
- Your browser must be capable of interpreting JavaScript.
- Your browser must have the saving of "cookies"
A. Some Basic Forms
- Examples --
Still life (block, beehive, boat), an period-2 oscillator
(blinker), and period-4 glider (transforming into a pond
still life after a collision) in a 21 X 21 torus model
universe with all boundaries wrapping back on the
opposite one (cyclic boundary conditions).
B. Some Interesting Seed Forms
- R-pentomino --
in a 25 X 25 torus model universe
- Open Cross (torus)
-- 10 cells vertically and horizontally with an empty
center cell in a 24 X 25 torus model universe in which
all boundaries have cyclic boundary conditions that wrap
the universe back on itself as in a torus
- Open Cross (box-0)
-- 10 cells vertically and horizontally with an empty
center cell in a 24 X 25 box model universe in which each
edges does not contribute any count to the living cell.
- Open Cross (loop-1)
-- 10 cells vertically and horizontally with an empty
center cell in a 24 X 25 torus model universe in which
the top and bottom edges do not contribute to the living
cell count while the left and right have cyclic boundary
- Two Open Squares (Möbius-0)
-- two open squares in a 14 X 10 Möbius strip model universe
in with the same boundary conditions as above but with
the left and right sides joined through a twist.
C. Hunting for Quilt Designs
- Quilt Design Search
#1 -- using squares, instead of disks, in a 17 X
17 torus model universe with four open squares as seeds
- Quilt Design Search
#2 -- using squares, instead of disks, in a 21 X
21 torus model universe with a cross, 17 cells high and
17 cells wide, as seed
D. Random Population of Living Cells with Various Boundary Conditions
User may set the size of lattice (default: 15 X 15). These use smaller lattice cells
to facilitate larger universes.
E. Make Your Own Seed Arrangement
F. Lab Exercise
Books And Articles
- Berlekamp, E. R., Conway, J. H., and Guy, R. Winning Ways
for Your Mathematical Plays (vo. 2).New York: Academic Press
- Gardner, M. Mathematical games: the fantastic contributions of
John Conways new solitaire game life. Sci.
Am. (October 1970), 120-123.
Web Sites
Contact Information and Form