
The Game of Life (initial rules and study done by John Conway)  implementation linked to below uses JavaScript and HTML to create the display for each generation of a given seed. To see what the Game of Life is all about read the associated exercise (even if you do not follow its directions) and check out the resources listed below.

Note Before Accessing The Fractal Generator Below

  1. Your browser must be capable of interpreting JavaScript.
  2. Your browser must have the saving of "cookies" enabled.
Games of Life Examples

A. Some Basic Forms

B. Some Interesting Seed Forms

C. Hunting for Quilt Designs

D. Random Population of Living Cells with Various Boundary Conditions

User may set the size of lattice (default: 15 X 15). These use smaller lattice cells to facilitate larger universes.

E. Make Your Own Seed Arrangement

F. Lab Exercise


Books And Articles

Web Sites

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Richard L. Bowman, PhD
937 College Ave.
Harrisonburg, VA 22802

(540) 434-0892

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