The Simulations
Finding Exoplanets simulation  Generating IFS Fractals simulation  Exploring the Game of Life simulation  Studyiong Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion

I. Purpose

These simulations (and the associated exploration activities) were mainly written by me while I was a professor of physics at Bridgewater College in Virginia, USA, and have been used by myself and other professors and teachers in physics and astronomy courses. The goal of the project continues to be to develop web-based simulations (with exercises) that are interactive visualizations of scientific concepts. While designed primarily for high school and college students, these activities have also been used by lay person with some scientific literacy.

The simulations that are part of this PhysAstro Sims site were originally written for the project entitled ISAW (pronounced "I saw") which stood for Interactive Science Activities on the Web.

II. The Simulations and Associated Activities
III. Using The Activities

These simulations may be used directly from this Ed Tech by Bowman site. However, if they are to be used in a classroom/laboratory setting, then the instructor may wish to copy them to their own server. Permission is hereby granted to do such copying if the hyperlinks to PhysAstro Sims and the author(s) are left intact. Check the PhysAstro Sims site regularly so as to have available the latest version of each activity on your own server.


The above simulations were tested using the latest versions (and many earlier versions, too) of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Maxthon. and the simulations all worked fine. If you have a problem, please report it to the address below. BUT beware of the following requirements.

IV. Other Physics Simulations
V. JavaScript Resources

Contact Information and Form

Richard L. Bowman, PhD
937 College Ave.
Harrisonburg, VA 22802

(540) 434-0892

Or use the form below.

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By submitting your email address, you give permission for Dr. Bowman to use it to contact you. No other use of your name or email address will occur.